Sony SmartWatch现在可以在美国买到了 价格嘛,149.99刀。。。


索尼移动已经宣布Sony SmartWatch现在已经能够在美国以149.99刀的价格买到(有点儿贵哦~~)。现在Sony SmartWatch只在网上商店买到因为 out of stock已经脱销了。所以你要是想买的话最好到索尼的网上商店去,晚些时候会有更多的经销商也销售这个。另外,SmartWatch的表带有很多颜色可以选择哦~~比如粉色,白色,薄荷色(这是什么。。。),灰色和蓝色!不过。。。每条表带要20刀,大家要准备好钱包哦~~

SmartWatch是一种迷你的蓝牙设备,专为Android智能手机准备。他有1.3寸的OLED触摸屏,128*128的分辨率,只有八毫米厚恩!用 SmartWatch ,你可以阅读eMail,短信,也可以查看日历和社交媒体。另外,现在也已经有了很多为了 SmartWatch开发的应用程序(现在有60个左右),包括遥控相机应用、GoogleMaps和FaceBook应用哦~~~


Sony Mobile has announced that its SmartWatch accessory is now available in the United States for a pricey $149.99. The SmartWatch is currently available online although it is temporarily out of stock right now. Your best bet will therefore be via Sony stores, additional retailers will be announced in due course. Additional SmartWatch bands are available in various colours (pink, white, mint, grey and blue) for $20.Think of SmartWatch as a remote Bluetooth mini display for your Android smartphone. It has a 1.3-inch OLED touch display (128 x 128 pixels), measuring just 8mm in thickness. The SmartWatch allows you to read emails, texts and access your calendar and social status updates. In addition, it also has a number of apps developed for it (around 60 so far) including a remote camera, Google Maps and Facebook.