从开发者角度来讲,Chrome for Android对新技术的支持也在靠近iOS里的Safari Mobile,它支持很多最新的HTML 5功能,包括硬件加速canvas、悬浮滚动条、HTML 5视频、Indexed DB、WebWorkers、Web Sockets等等。你还可以利用Chrome for Android里的Chrome Developer Tools进行遥控debugging。从技术角度来说,Chrome for Android里的大量代码将在未来几周内跟Chromium共享。
Chrome for Android beta版已经上架 Android Market,但前提是你必须使用Android 4.0系统的手机或平板,然后必须伪装成米国人进入美版Android菜市场才可以下载到。Google老湿您这是逼大家买新的ICS系统手机啊,太坏了!
这几天去XDA闲逛,发现Z大又回来了顺便还给我们带来了一个N大的惊喜。。。这个脚本可以增强WIFI的信号。。。其实我早就发现有这篇文章了,但是一开始没弄明白这个脚本是怎么运行的。。。用Z大给的命令iwconfig总是提示 file NOT FOUND,这让我很郁闷。。。后来才发现这个iwconfig系统不是自带的,需要下载Z大提供的那个文件才能运行。。。囧一个。。。
Hi, I noticed that our wifi driver can be controlled via iwconfig to increase TX power. It’s not too impressive change (from default 14dbm to max 15dbm), but still it’s a ~25% transmission power increase considering miliwatts (25mW->32mW)
Please remember it will slightly improve your wifi connection, but also increase the power consumption!
AUDIO – ok 音频——可用
GPS – ok GPS定位——可用
WIFI – ok WIFI——可用
TOUCH SCREEN – ok 触屏——可用(个人觉得废话。。。不能用的话还怎么玩儿啊。。。)
CWM RECOVERY 5.5 – ok CMW Recovery——可用(就是一个Recovery环境)
BT – ok BlueTooth也就是蓝牙——可用
GSM – ok 蜂窝数据(也就是电话信号。。。)——可用
VIDEO DECODER – ok 视频解码——可用
3D – partial – sometimes crashes 3D内容——有时候会崩溃
GRALLOC – with bugs (这是神马?谁能告诉我。。。)——有点问题。。。
GSM DATA – buggy – for some networks works for some does not work 数据连接(就是用流量)那个——有点儿问题,有的运营商可用,有的运营商不可用(真是蛋疼的可以。。。还挑三拣四的嘿嘿。。。)
HOTSPOT – ok – command line for now 热点——可用,但是现在需要使用命令行。。。
USB MTP – settings->storage->push menu->usb computer connection->media device USB链接?——到设置》存储》按菜单键》USB链接》媒体设备
CAMERA 相机(额,快到元旦了相机不能用就先算了吧。。。毕竟联欢会还是要拍照录像的。。。)
Google 好几天之前发布了Android4.0 也就是冰淇淋三明治(Ice Cream Sandwich 简称 ICS)!最近Z大回归了XDA,给我们带来了这个最初版本的ICS。。。
– ol’ good 2.6.29-SEMC 官方的2.6.29内核
– fixed touchscreen driver (now backward-compatibile with Gingerbread) 修复了触摸驱动
– partially based on drewis release (thanks!) – currently I don’t have access to PC that could handle compilation of the whole thing 一个致谢的话 不解释。。。
If someone could compile clean es209ra build and upload it would be awesome.
– it boots 能启动(偷笑。。。)
– radio, calls, txt (sms) 信号 电话 短信
– audio partially working (in-call is fine, playing mp3/ringtones leads to WLOD) 可以打电话,但是铃声响起或者播放MP3会导致WLOD。。。(White LED of death,就是白色LED灯然后死机。。。)
– bluetooth, GPS seem to work 蓝牙 GPS 貌似可以用。。。
– wifi almost working (“can’t find wlan0 device”) WIFI 几乎可以用了。。。(也就是还不能用。。。)
– mobile data (it gets IP but disconects afterwards, needs investiagtion) 移动网络可用。。。(能得到IP地址但是会自动断开连接。。。)
[NOT WORKING] 不能用的。。。
– most of the stuff does not work 几乎没什么能用的。。。
– quite unstable 不很适合日常使用。。。
*Miui 1.11.4 added .
*Font changes ( reboot required )
*Superuser & su binary updated.
*New Bootanimation ( Thanks raac for helping me out )
*bugs are fixed .
*etc etc
#MIUI 1.10.28 pRiMe 001
*Added support for the Given Kernel
*Media Scanner working properly ( with the new kernel )
*Wifi tether works ( Access control should be disabled in FXP kernel )
*Google music 4 added .
*Few tweaks
*Sleek Metro look
#MIUI 1.10.28 pRiMe
*Miui 1.10.28 added .
*Android 2.3.7 as base .
*Super User Changed ( No Annoying ” Root On/Off ” )
*Wifi tether added ( fully working )
*Overall performance improved with the new Miui Version.
*No data Bug .
*Wifi fully working .
*Usb Tethering .
*NOfrills & Cpu spy Included
*Resan Media Included
#MIUI 1.10.24 Prime
*Miui 1.10.24 added .
*Android 2.3.7 as base .
*New camera records 2H max .
*Wifi tether added ( fully working )
*Overall performance improved with the new Miui Version.
*Gallery optimized .
*No data Bug . No No Noooooooo.
*Wifi fully working .
*Usb Tethering and much more.
*ohh .. yeah .. yeah .. a new theme . lol .
#MIUI 1.10.14 Basic Hotfix V 2
*Offline Charging Fixed ( Thanks Cobrato for pointing out the issue )
*Link2SD patch included ( See 2nd post for more info )
*Minor Theme changes ( Text & Dialer )
*Prop edited ( Now device recognized properly )
#MIUI 1.10.14 Basic Hotfix V 001
*All Lags gone .
*Boot time improved a lot ( plz update to Bootmanager 1.3 )
*Some tweaks added
* Miui 1.10.8 Added
* Junk apps removed
* Hi res Graphics Optimized ( Launcher )
* Dual Touch Fixed
* Camera Working
* Video Camera Working ( 720P / High / Low )
* Root Permission Fixed ( No SU issues )
* CRT Animation Working
* Lockscreen Torch Working ( requires Luke kernel provided)
[ features ]
derived from FreeXperia Kernel:
kernel version 2.6.29
latest SE sources patched
Classic RCU
added an interesting change in GPU frequency *might* increase gaming/benchmarking performance
FPSuncap at kernel level
removed nv_vsync and set to manual
fixed DEEPSLEEP (thanks to jerpelea)
my additions:
additional stuff added:
features added to kernel-ramdisk
autoroot feature (very simple rooting)
busybox already installed in /sbin
xRecovery-0.3 GB Ready directly integrated in kernel (ramdisk) no need to worry abt trashed flashes
insecure shell
rootfs and /system remounted as RW
persistent ADB
added z's FPS uncap fix
Recovery in Kernel given preference over recovery in /system
user-level/runtime CPU voltage control [VDD control "sysfs interface"] (for more info keep checking this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...1#post16877711)
improved in-call volume
added fixed ondemand & conservative CPU governors
z's workaround for added for cpu idling too high (http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=111), thanks to Karlson2k for informing me about this!
enabled SWAP support
cpu voltage modulation:
FS & S-series voltages - stock voltages
X-series voltages - undervolted (use undervolt scripts / app)
optimized frequency-voltage table: added and unlocked LOTS of frequencies from 128Mhz to 1228Mhz
startup/bootup frequencies set at min:245Mhz, max:998Mhz (in ramdisk)
advanced init.d scripts execution support
CPU Governors activated/added: (the inbuilt governors have not been disabled) [default: OnDemand]
Smartass [now using different sources][settings used from here, thanks to viulian for those settings/parameter values]
Scary (for info on how it works read this)
smartassV2 (thanks to erasmux) with some fixes from ThJap
interactiveX (thanks to imoseyon) with some fixes i made
compiled using GCC-4.6.2 with O4 optimization (thanks to tkymgr)
File System support (in kernel):
NFS (server/client)
enabled access to .config through /proc/config.gz
enabled ARM THUMBEE extensions
enabled NLS_UTF8 support
SLAB memory allocator
I/O scheduler added/activated: (the inbuilt I/O schedulers have not been disabled) [default: deadline]
CFQ (Tweaked)
Tweaked scheduler params to give better responsiveness
enabled TUN & TAP (VPN support)
added new logo!! Thanks to soheil_rf
2 月 8 2012
Chrome for Android 发布,但只支持 4.0 ICS 系统 我们悲剧的X10啊。。。
本文共被喵星人侦察过5,782次。。。2008年9月Google发布Chrome浏览器,大大加速了桌面浏览器的进化速度,也成为了很多人首选的浏览器。3年多后的今天,他们终于将根正苗红的Chrome浏览器带入了移动智能设备,Chrome for Android可以运行在Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich系统的手机或平板上,尽管现在还只是beta版,但它完全具备Chrome桌面浏览器的简洁性和速度优势,且支持无缝登录与同步。
速度是Chrome桌面浏览器获胜的一大法宝,人人都说Chrome快,很快,超级快,特别的快。Chrome for Android也是如此,它也具备Omnibox,就是将URL地址栏和搜索框合二为一,甚至是在Omnibox里也支持Google Instant:边输入关键字,下面边出现搜索结果。
Chrome for Android界面和操作都非常简单,它可以利用手势打开无限多的标签页,界面上只有最基础的几个按钮而已。
从开发者角度来讲,Chrome for Android对新技术的支持也在靠近iOS里的Safari Mobile,它支持很多最新的HTML 5功能,包括硬件加速canvas、悬浮滚动条、HTML 5视频、Indexed DB、WebWorkers、Web Sockets等等。你还可以利用Chrome for Android里的Chrome Developer Tools进行遥控debugging。从技术角度来说,Chrome for Android里的大量代码将在未来几周内跟Chromium共享。
Chrome for Android beta版已经上架 Android Market,但前提是你必须使用Android 4.0系统的手机或平板,然后必须伪装成米国人进入美版Android菜市场才可以下载到。Google老湿您这是逼大家买新的ICS系统手机啊,太坏了!
By Lazy Cat • 应用 0 • Tags: Android, Android Market, Chrome, Google, Ice Cream Sandwich, X10, 谷奥